Team Sarina
Sarina is represented by:
For fiction and film: Mollie Glick at CAA
Foreign rights for suspense: Mollie Glick at CAA
Foreign rights for romance: Taryn Fagerness
No author makes a book all by herself. The following people have provided excellent service to my in my publishing endeavors!
Editing and Proofreading
Edie's Edits: Him, Us, every single True North book and a whole bunch more.
Aquila Editing: Man Card, plus second-pass edits on other titles.
Melinda Utendorf of M.UTE editing
Nancy Smay: The Year We Fell Down, The Year We Hid Away, The Understatement of the Year
Erica Russikoff: Brooklynaire, Boy Toy
Jo Pettibone and Claudia Fosca S.: Almost everything!
Keyanna Butler
Ericka Tabellione: French titles!
Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations
Elle Maxwell design and illustration
Christine Coffey
Wander Aguiar photography
Laure Valentin (French)
Michael Drecker (German)
Francesca Giraudo (Italian)
Tami of Integrity Formatting