Team Sarina


Sarina is represented by:

For fiction and film: Mollie Glick at CAA

Foreign rights for suspense: Mollie Glick at CAA

Foreign rights for romance: Taryn Fagerness

No author makes a book all by herself. The following people have provided excellent service to my in my publishing endeavors!

Editing and Proofreading

Edie's Edits: Him, Us, every single True North book and a whole bunch more.

Aquila Editing: Man Card, plus second-pass edits on other titles.

Melinda Utendorf of M.UTE editing

Nancy Smay: The Year We Fell Down, The Year We Hid Away, The Understatement of the Year

Erica Russikoff: Brooklynaire, Boy Toy

Jo Pettibone and Claudia Fosca S.: Almost everything!

Keyanna Butler

Ericka Tabellione: French titles!


Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations

Elle Maxwell design and illustration

By Hang Le

Christine Coffey

Wander Aguiar photography


Laure Valentin (French)

Michael Drecker (German)

Francesca Giraudo (Italian)


Tami of Integrity Formatting